The Cleveland Police Department serves over 12,000 residents, with an additional 4,000 students attending Delta State University, whose campus is within our city limits. The goal of the Cleveland Police Department is to provide professional law enforcement services to the citizens within the community by:
We recognize that a police department can only reach its true potential with full support and cooperation from its citizens. We actively solicit and encourage our citizens to provide us with supportive input so we may reduce and limit the opportunities for crime and assist in bringing to justice those who break the law.
The Department provides its officers with extensive training to maintain the quality of professionalism that our citizens have come to expect from us. Cleveland Police officers have training in the National Incident Management System ( NIMS ), basic narcotics investigations, and Active Shooter Training. The department has two Federal Bureau of Investigations ( FBI ) National Academy graduates. Some of our officers have specialized training in Advanced Investigation Techniques, Narcotics, Hazardous Materials, and Firearms.
The Cleveland Police Department provides a program to check our citizens' homes when they are on vacation or out of town for an extended period. Citizens can come to the police department and fill out a form or download the "Security Check Request Form" and return it to us, and we will check their homes while they are away.