Switch statement in Programming

Switch statement in programming enables the execution of different code blocks based on the value of an expression, providing a structured approach to handle multiple cases efficiently. It enhances code readability and simplifies decision-making processes, making it a valuable tool for managing program flow and facilitating branching logic in software development.

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What is Switch Statement?

Switch statement is a fundamental building block in many programming languages. It allows us to efficiently handle situations where the program needs to perform different actions based on different values of a variable .

For Eg: Imagine you’re writing a program for a lift. The user selects a floor by pressing a button, and the lift needs to take the user to the selected floor. A switch statement is a great tool for such a scenario! By comparing the user’s selection with different cases, the program can execute the appropriate code.

Syntax and Structure of Switch Statement:

A switch statement typically consists of the following elements.

The syntax and structure of switch-case statements are similar across languages, with slight syntactic variations. Here is a general template.

Now let’s dive into the details of each of the components of a switch-case statement.

Case Statement:

Each case statement defines a possible value the switch expression can take. The syntax usually involves the case keyword followed by the constant value.

case value: // Code to execute when switch_expression equals value 

The program checks each case statement sequentially until it finds a match with the switch expression’s value. Once a match is found, the corresponding code block is executed.

Break Statement:

The break statement is an important element within the switch block. After a matching case is executed, the break statement terminates the switch block entirely, preventing the program from accidentally falling through and executing code from subsequent cases. This is also called fallthrough behaviour .

Here’s an example to illustrate this.

// This is just a pseudo-code switch (day) < case 1: print("Monday");  break;  case 2: print("Tuesday"); // Without a break here, Wednesday will also be printed if day is 2! case 3: print("Wednesday");  break;  // . more cases > 

In this example, if day is 2, both “Tuesday” and “Wednesday” will be printed without the break statements.

Default Statement:

The default statement in programming is a fallback option used in switch statements. It is executed when none of the case labels match the value of the expression being evaluated.

switch (expression) < case value1: // Code block to execute if expression matches value1 break; case value2: // Code block to execute if expression matches value2 break; // More cases.  default:  // Code block to execute if expression does not match any case > 

Switch Statement in C:

Here are the example of Switch Statement in C language:


Switch Statement in C++:

Here are the example of Switch Statement in C++ language:


Switch Statement in Java:

Here are the example of Switch Statement in java language:


Switch Statement in Python:

Before Python 3.10, there was no feature for Switch statement in Programming. In Python 3.10, they have included match and case statement to implement Switch Case in Programming. Instead of default: case, we write case _: and there is no need to write break statement after each case.

Switch Statement in C#:

Here are the example of Switch Statement in C# language:


Switch Statement in JavaScript:

Here are the example of Switch Statement in javascript language:



The switch statement in programming allows selecting different code paths based on a variable’s value, providing a structured approach for handling multiple cases efficiently. While beneficial for readability and decision-making, it’s crucial to use switch statements judiciously and explore alternative strategies for complex logic.