What is Child Care Assistance?
Child care services are provided to children of eligible parents in order to support their work and training efforts and assist families toward self-sufficiency. The goal of the child care delivery system in Butler County is the provision of quality, dependable child care in homes and centers. The Butler County Department of Job and Family Services (BCDJFS) determines eligibility for child care services and assist parents in locating certified homes or licensed centers.
Where are child care services provided?
Child care services are provided to children in certified homes or licensed centers. Providers in certified homes may care for up to six children. These homes are inspected by staff from the BCDJFS and certified when all requirements are met. Child care centers are licensed for certain numbers and age groups of children by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) and are inspected for compliance with licensing requirements.
Who can get child care benefits?
Families whose income falls below 130% of the federal poverty level can receive payment for part of monthly child care expenses that are provided by a certified or licensed child care provider. The provider receives payment from the BCDJFS for approved periods of child care.
What needs to be verified?
At the time of application income, household members and employment information must be verified. Changes in income or employment status must be reported.
How often is eligibility reviewed?
A review of eligibility requirements is conducted every 6 months.
Note: This is only basic information. An accurate determination of eligibility for child care services requires the completion of an application process through the local BCDJFS.